Identifying and controlling pathogens in animals using state-of-the-art methods and, in this way, improving consumer protection

After a five-year construction period the new laboratory building of the Federal Institute for Health Protection of Consumers and Veterinary Medicine (BgVV) was officially opened at its location in Jena on Friday, 22 June 2001. The costs for the new building are DM 30 million. The scientists in Jena now have access to state-of-the-art laboratories for research and services including a laboratory with security level L3 in which highly infectious pathogens can be handled.

The focus of the work of BgVV in Jena is on research into bacterial animal epidemics. Strategies are developed for the control of zoonoses, diseases which are transmitted from animals to man. This requires exact knowledge of the causes of disease, the sources of infection and transmission routes.

The dangerous pathogens include for example the pathogen of bovine tuberculosis, Mycobacterium bovis, which can be transmitted to man and can trigger various forms of tuberculosis. The National Reference Laboratory for Mycobacteria is attached to BgVV. It is responsible for confirming the diagnosis of a tuberculosis infection in cattle, for producing reference material and for identifying routes of infection. One key problem is the exact determination of the pathogens. To this end, BgVV in Jena uses state-of-the-art molecular-biological methods.

Other pathogens of zoonoses which are dangerous to man are chlamydia. Diseases which are caused by chlamydia include the so-called parrot disease (ornithosis/psittacosis) which occurs in ornamental birds and domestic poultry and can also be transmitted to man. In its capacity as the Reference Laboratory for Psittacosis, BgVV is responsible for identifying the type of pathogen involved in infections and which focus of infection was the starting point for the disease. The determination of the type of pathogen is important in order to take suitable control measures and prevent a spread of the disease both in bird populations and in man. Every year around 100 people fall ill in Germany with an ornithosis which often has a severe course.

Other work areas of BgVV in Jena result from the statutory obligations of BgVV, more particularly protection of consumers against potential foodborne pathogens. In this context, the principle applies, "only healthy animals can supply high quality foods". Thanks to the facilities of the new laboratory building, BgVV in Jena will be able to contribute to constantly improving consumer protection.

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