From curried sausage to roast goose

BgVV provides tips for a healthy diet

Too much fat, too many proteins, not enough roughage - a poor diet today is a key health problem. As a consequence of the normal diet in Germany which is rich in fat and proteins, we take in more energy every day into our bodies than we can consume. The consequences are frequently obesity and an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. Anyone wishing to eat a healthy and balanced diet and, more importantly, to adapt energy intake during eating to the energy needs of his body should know,

  • what his body needs every day
  • what the foods which he eats contain in terms of energy in the form of kilocalories (kcal) or kiloJoules (kJ).

A new information pamphlet "From curried sausage to roast goose - energy and nutrient contents of popular foods and dishes" of the Federal Institute for Health Protection of Consumers and Veterinary Medicine, BgVV provides assistance in this context. It not only covers details about calorie or joule content of complete dishes like schnitzel with potatoes and mixed vegetables, herring with roast potatoes or pizza Quattro stagioni related to an average portion, it also states how much protein, fat, roughage, cholesterin and common salt a meal contains.

The introduction explains how much energy a person needs related to gender and age based on a certain amount of physical activity every day. Furthermore, it explains in what form the energy is taken in proportionally through carbohydrates, fat and protein and how the energy intake should be spread over the day.

For around 150 dishes - including soups, casseroles and meat dishes but also typical fish or vegetarian meals and desserts - the data were compiled from the Federal Food Key in table form per single portion. It also takes into account sauces, dressings and other components which are normally not contained in calorie tables. These components may make a substantial contribution to the energy content of a meal. But also the energy contents of curried sausage, hamburgers, doner kebabs or baguettes in various forms are listed.

The Federal Food Key (available for a fee on CD-ROM) is prepared by BgVV on behalf of the federal government. It offers detailed information about the volume and type of nutrients and about the energy content of more than 11,000 foods eaten in Germany and Europe.

The pamphlet "From curried sausage to roast goose - energy and nutrient contents of popular foods and dishes" can be obtained from the BgVV Press and Public Relations Office. Please enclose a stamped (DM 3 stamp), addressed C5 envelope and a fee of DM 5 in stamps or a crossed cheque.

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