BgVV calls on all manufacturers of stone fruit spirits to reduce the contents of ethyl carbamate in spirits

Controls by food monitoring authorities repeatedly detect stone fruit spirits which have very high contents of ethyl carbamate. Ethyl carbamate is a compound which may occur naturally in fermented foods and beverages. Ethyl carbamate is carcinogenic and mutagenic. There is no limit value below which health risks could be reliably excluded. Therefore, the ethyl carbamate contents must be dramatically reduced. The Federal Institute for Health Protection of Consumers and Veterinary Medicine, therefore, calls on all manufacturers to consistently apply the existing and tested technical possibilities for minimisation.

The Commission for the Assessment of Safety of Foods (SKLM) of the German Research Society has already addressed the problem of the occurrence of ethyl carbamate in stone fruit spirits. It has expressed major health concerns about the occurrence of high levels of ethyl carbamate in foods. Independently of its origins, ethyl carbamate is a general problem in stone fruit spirits.

The measures taken so far by manufacturers to reduce ethyl carbamate levels have led to a drop in contamination particularly in products from large distilleries. Not all manufacturers, particularly small distilleries, have introduced the improved technologies which are available particularly in the area of mash and fermentation methods and also of distillation techniques.

All the same, the intake of ethyl carbamate cannot be completely avoided because of its natural occurrence in foods and beverages. The goal must, therefore, be to consistently reduce throughout Europe the contents by means of technological measures.

BgVV has prepared a pamphlet for the distilleries. It provides information on the corresponding steps in all stages of production. It is available from the BgVV Press and Public Relations Office by faxing to 030 8412 4970.

The series of "BgVV Hefte" was also supplemented with the following issues:

  • 03/1999 Erfordernisse und Möglichkeiten in der Schlachtgeflügel- und Schlachtfleischuntersuchung. Herausgegeben von L. Ellerbroek DM 15
  • 04/1999 Bibliography on Microwave Heating of Food. Compiled by L. Dehne DM 30
  • 05/1999 Proceedings of the European Research Project SMT4-CT96-2072 "Developments of Methods to Identify Foods Produced by Means of Genetic Engineering" Edited by J.Zagon, H. Broll, G. A. Schreiber, M. Schauzu DM 15
  • 06/1999 Bericht über die epidemiologische Situation der Zoonosen in Deutschland für 1997 Herausgegeben von M. Hartung DM 30

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