Food monitoring 1997: maximum levels and guideline values exceeded more frequently than last year

Undesirable substances in smoked eel, lettuce and paprika powder detected frequently. In general, however, foods less contaminated.

Compared with previous years, contents were found in a larger proportion of samples which exceeded the maximum levels or guideline values within the framework of food monitoring 1997. In 1995 contents above the maximum levels or guideline values were found in 6%, in 1996 in 2.7% of samples; in 1997 this was the case in 8% of samples.

The increase in samples with contents above the maximum levels or guidance values observed in 1997 can be attributed more particularly to the fact that some products, which actually have higher levels of undesirable substances, were included in the test range of 1997. This applies to smoked eel, lettuce, grapes, peanuts and paprika powder. Smoked eel was mainly contaminated with DDT and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) whereas the mercury contents were low in this food item. In lettuce residues of plant protection products were frequently detected; the same applies to grapes. Besides bromides and lead, paprika powder also contained unusually high levels of aflatoxins. This applied above all to samples from Turkey. For Turkish paprika powder, therefore, a so-called demonstration obligation was introduced, i.e. prior to import it must be examined in principle for compliance with the maximum levels for aflatoxins.

Overall, aside from the above exceptions, the foods examined were only slightly contaminated with undesirable substances as in previous years. It should be stressed that foods like rye and wheat, important staples in a diet, were found to have hardly any residues despite the use of sensitive analytical methods.

"Food Monitoring" is an examination programme jointly run by the federal government and Länder since 1995. Every year a representative selection of foods for the Federal Republic of Germany is examined for the occurrence of undesirable substances. The basis for the annual monitoring is a plan drawn up by the federal government and Länder. Besides routine official monitoring tasks, it also serves to further strengthen preventive health consumer protection. With its help, possible risks from the presence of undesirable substances in foods can be detected early on and, if appropriate, contained through targeted measures.

The results of food monitoring are published every year in its own report series entitled "Food Monitoring" and in this way made known to the interested public.

The findings from 1997 about residues of plant protection products and the occurrence of environmental contaminants, nitrate and mycotoxins in selected foods are presented in the recently published report.

Details about the examination results of the individual foods and the recommendations derived therefrom for the consumer are contained in the report "Food Monitoring 1997". This can be requested at a cost of DM 10 from the BgVV Press and Public Relations Office. The report can also be accessed on the BgVV homepage under Monitoring 1997 as a PDF file. In conjunction with the report, a volume of tables is obtainable free of charge which contains all the data in aggregate form.

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