Federal Health Minister Andrea Fischer places BgVV data on chemicals on the Internet

During her visit to the Federal Institute for Health Protection of Consumers and Veterinary Medicine on 9 July 1999, the Federal Minister of Health, Andrea Fischer, officially opened access on a new database to consumer-related chemicals on the BgVV homepage.

The Chemical Information System for Consumer-relevant Substances (CVS) emerged from the information system CHEMIS, a database for public authorities which provides the fire brigade, police and other emergency services in particular with rapid information in conjunction with accidents with chemicals.

The consumer-oriented database, CVS, contains data sets on around 3,000 substances which may occur in various household products and other consumer preparations. In this way interested individuals, doctors and other people providing assistance can obtain an initial overview in the event of an accident in the home on the following Internet address below.

CVS contains

  • Data to identify the respective substance in various international designation systems which makes possible clear substance classification
  • Data on the areas of use of the substance
  • Data on dangerous substance reactions and reaction products
  • Data on the toxic properties of the chemical
  • Information on measures in the case of poisoning, fire or leakage, information on classification in line with the Dangerous Substances Ordinance, protection at work and physicochemical data

The information system provides a summary overview and facilitates the rapid risk assessment of a substance on the basis of information at its disposal. However the system does not claim to be complete. CVS is, however, updated on an ongoing basis as soon as new information becomes available on individual chemicals.

Information on specific questions, evaluations and assessments of expert bodies on the use of specific chemicals and foods (e.g. as food additives) can be obtained via links to the corresponding databases of the European Union. It is also possible to access information as to whether extensive reports of WHO/FAO are available on specific chemicals via a further link. All available data can be printed out. However, it is not possible to download the entire database.

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