Questions and answers on food supplements

BgVV pamphlet informs manufacturers and consumers

The production and distribution of food supplements in Germany is on the increase. As there are no separate provisions under food law for these products, domestic and foreign manufacturers have a growing need for information. The consumer, too, is uncertain in the face of the large number of products on offer and the frequently non-proven action claims. The recently published BgVV pamphlet defines the term food supplement and provides information on what should be borne in mind in the production or marketing of corresponding products.

Food supplements are foods which contain one or more nutrients in concentrated form (mainly vitamins, mineral substances and trace elements) and are normally marketed in a form which is not typical for food (tablets, capsules, etc.). The maximum daily accepted levels of vitamins, minerals and trace elements in products of this kind can be found in the pamphlet. Food supplements should be declared as "food supplements" (commercial name) and have a clear consumption recommendation (daily amount).

As a rule, food supplements are foods for general consumption to which the provisions of the Foods and Other Commodities Act (LMBG) apply. They are not subject to any general authorisation obligation when they comply with the food law provisions of the Federal Republic of Germany. The exceptions, as explained in the pamphlet, are nutrients that serve a dietary purpose or which are novel foods. Products of this kind are subject to a notification or authorisation obligation.

The manufacturer is responsible for the safety of his products and compliance with §§ 17 and 18 LMBG, whereby misleading or health-related statements about a food are prohibited.

For ingredients, which require authorisation and have not been authorised up to now, an application for exemption must be submitted pursuant to § 37 LMBG (Germany and non-EU countries) or an application for a general disposition pursuant to § 47a LMBG (EU Member States). An application of this kind also encompasses nutritional and toxicological details in order to rule out any health risks.

In this pamphlet BgVV provides information on which products can be food supplements. Furthermore, products with pharmacological ingredients and health-related advertising claims are repeatedly offered for sale as food supplements. Products of this kind require authorisation in Germany as medicinal products. As a rule, the distribution of products of this kind as food supplements is prohibited by the competent control authorities of the federal Länder in the short-term. BgVV is of the opinion that a balanced and good diet normally suffices in order to supply the body with all necessary nutrients. It is doubtful whether for the benefits expected by the consumer like for instance an increase in general wellbeing can be achieved by the consumption of food supplements.

One exception is iodine and folic acid. For both a deficiency situation has been identified in Germany which can have health effects. This applies in particular to pregnant women and women wishing to start a family who require additional iodine and folic acid. In general, the use of iodised table salt is recommended in the home and in mass catering facilities and in the production of foods, in particular bread, pastry and sausage. (Press releases already published on these subjects see footnote)

The pamphlet "Questions and Answers about Food Supplements" is free of charge and can be requested in writing or by fax from the BgVV Press and Public Relations Office.

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