Voluntary Notification of Chemical Products Without Any Notification Requirement

Information on chemical products outside the scope of Art. 45 / Annex VIII of the CLP Regulation or the Detergent and Cleaning Agents Act § 10 can be submitted to the BfR on a voluntary basis. This product information is also made available to the German poisons centres.

In many cases of emergency it may be important for poisons centre’s staff to have information on products outside the scope of any notification requirement at their disposal.  This can help to reliably rule out many cases of suspected poisoning.

Furthermore, voluntary notification of a product that is not classified as hazardous is useful in conjunction with a UFI if it is included in another product, which is classified as a hazardous and therefore subject to notification according to the CLP Regulation. If the composition of the admixture product (‘Mixure in Mixture’ / MIM) is not known to the formulator of the end product and the formulator of the non-classified, admixture product (MIM) has not submitted information on his product beforehand, this would result in a (potentially significant) lack of information regarding the final composition. This may complicate the risk assessments carried out by poisons centres and the authorities.

UFI GeneratorFurther information on the Unique Formula Identifier (UFI) is available here:

The BfR and the poisons centres handle the received information with the strictest confidence.

Voluntary notification can be submitted using the following formats:

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