Principles of Scientific Practice

To help meet its responsibility in research and the tasks directly linked to the same, the BfR has adopted the following rules and regulations for dealing with cases of scientific misconduct. These are based on the recommendations of the German Research Foundation (DFG).

The recognised guidelines for good scientific practice within the respective specialized disciplines are the binding foundations for scientific tasks within the BfR. The commitments to good scientific practice are intended to help assure the quality of BfR´s scientific work and prevent scientific misconduct.

The BfR has appointed ombudspersons who can be approached at any time.


Dr. Annette Johne; Deputy Head of Unit 45 (Diagnostics, pathogen characterisation and parasites in food)
Deputy Head of NRL for Trichinella; veterinarian/specialised for food hygiene; at BfR since 2008; experience in research for more than 15 years.

Dr. David Schumacher, Deputy Head of Unit 81 (Residues)
Food Chemist, since 2006 at BfR. Hands-on experience with in vitro methods in experimental toxicology; human-health risk assessor for chemical substances.


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