Questions and answers on mineral oil components in food

Mineral oil components can enter food in different ways. On the one hand, there are expected transitions into food, e.g. through approved food additives, additives for the production of packaging or during the processing of food. On the other hand, environmental contamination, agricultural machinery, unsuitable transport or processing methods and accumulation along the food chain are possible sources.

In this context, the BfR has been pointing out for years that the transfer of mineral oil components from recycled cardboard boxes to food is possible and to be expected, since printed waste paper is used for production, which may contain mineral oil components from newspaper inks. The transfer of these substances has so far been detected in particular in dry foods with a large surface area, for example rice or semolina.

Against this background, the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) has carried out an assessment of whether mineral oil components in food can pose a health risk.

In the following, the BfR has summarised frequently asked questions and answers on mineral oil components that can migrate from packaging into food.

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