Questions and answers on the notification of hazardous products for emergency health response in Germany for submitters according to Art. 45 of the CLP Regulation

Questions and answers of the BfR of 23 December 2020

The Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) receives product notifications from industry and thus supports the emergency medical advice in Germany’s poison centres.

Persons and companies placing hazardous mixtures on the market have to notify relevant information to the BfR. The legal basis for this obligation is Article 45 of the Regulation on classification, labelling and packaging of substances and mixtures (EC) No. 1272/2008 (CLP), which is implemented in national law via the Chemicals Act (Section 16e ChemG).

The German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) has compiled frequently asked questions on the notification of hazardous products in order to provide answers quickly and in consistent quality. Some of the questions refer to the (conventional) national notification procedure for Germany (XProductNotification), others to the new European harmonised Poison Centre Notification (PCN) procedure. In order to clarify the allocation, sections are marked with XProd or PCN in the margin. The information compiled here cannot reflect all partial aspects of the individual question. Supplementary information can be found in the linked sources.

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