BfR Commission for Risk Research and Risk Perception

An essential part of risk research is the development of effective risk communication strategies. Research programmes are based on merging the outcomes of scientific risk characterisations with information needs of relevant target groups from science, economics, politics, public institutions, (consumer) associations, the media, NGOs and consumers. In order to do so effectively, it is essential that the knowledge of both experts and lay people is determined using different qualitative and quantitative survey methods. Quantitative methods of psychology and sociology are used to identify and to predict patterns of intuitive perception of risk. The coupling of subjective risk perception with results coming from objective risk characterisation and the additional description of uncertainty is a prerequisite for conducting subsequent participatory risk communication.

Tasks of the BfR Commission

The Commission assists BfR in the selection of suitable methods for determining the current level of information as well as the subjective perception of risk within the BfR topic consumer health protection regarding food and feed, consumer products and cosmetics. In addition, the Commission supports the realisation and evaluation of communication programmes and has also been given the task to assist BfR in the context of emerging risks.

Members of the BfR Commission

Experts from universities, colleges, independent research institutions and consumer protection institutions have been appointed.

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