BfR Commission for Feed and Animal Nutrition

The BfR Commission for Feed and Animal Nutrition supports the BfR in its task of assessing feed and feed additives as well as undesirable substances in feed with regard to their safety for animals, users and consumers of foods of animal origin.

Tasks of the BfR Commission

The commission advises the BfR on specific issues relating to the safety of feed additives as well as products and substances for use in animal feed, including undesirable substances. The outcomes of its deliberations should reflect the current level of scientific knowledge, particularly in the areas of animal nutrition, nutritional physiology, feed technology and chemical analytics. The work results of the commission are of assistance for the BfR‘s assessment activities. They also serve as a decision-making aid for the regional Land monitoring bodies in performing the tasks for which they are responsible in the context of feed safety and consumer health protection.

Members of the BfR Commission

Scientists from universities, regional Land investigation offices, federal research agencies and other research establishments were appointed as members of the commission.

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