Results of the BfR MEAL Study: In Germany, mercury is mostly contained in fish and seafood while cadmium, lead, and nickel are present in a broad spectrum of foods

Mercury (Hg), cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb), and nickel (Ni) are contaminants occurring in foods. In the BfR MEAL Study the first data sets are now available. The data on mercury, cadmium, lead, and nickel provide a comprehensive basis for chronic dietary exposure assessment of the population in Germany. All levels found in pool samples were below regulated maximum levels for individual food samples.

The data sets are published in the Journal “Food Chemistry X”

Results of the BfR MEAL Study: In Germany, mercury is mostly contained in fish and seafood while cadmium, lead, and nickel are present in a broad spectrum of foods
Carolin Fechner, Christin Hackethal, Tobias Höpfner, Jessica Dietrich, Dorit Bloch, Oliver Lindtner, Irmela Sarvan
Food Chemistry: X
Volume 14, 30 June 2022

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