Bf3R Seminar with Professor Dr David Owald: The model system Drosophila - towards understanding neural principles underlying sleep and memory

(2023.12.05 - -0001.11.30)

Bf3R seminar with Professor Dr David Owald, Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin.

The Bf3R seminars address issues related to the use of animal experiments and alternative methods in basic research and toxicology, as well as the 3Rs. They include a lecture of approx. 30 – 60 min, followed by a discussion.

The brain of Drosophila melanogaster is made up of approximately 150,000 neurons while an estimated 75% of disease-related genes are conserved. This talk highlights experimental advantages of the Drosophila model system and provides examples of mechanistic insights in the context of memory storage and sleep regulation.

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