50 Years BfR Committee for the Assessment of Poisonings

(2014.04.29 - -0001.11.30)
On 29th April 2014, the National Committee for the Assessment of Poisonings at BfR will celebrate its 50th anniversary. A ceremony will be held in the BfR auditorium in Berlin-Marienfelde to recall important results and achievements of the Committee’s work, particularly in the field of prevention (including the introduction of the EU standard on child-proof fastenings, changes to formulations and warnings on the labels of corrosive products, the EU ban on dangerous lamp oils and grill lighter fluids). By considering the topics of poisonous plants and the German national monitoring scheme of poisoning incidents, the event will also provide a prospect of the Committee’s work in the near future. For this reason, the Committee is pleased to extend an invitation to attend the celebration of its 50th anniversary.

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