Coordination of the German National Hub within the framework of the European partnership "Partnership for the Assessment of Risk from Chemicals (PARC)" by a National Hub Contact Point (NHCP) (PARC-NHCP)
Funding programme / funding institution: Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) - Deutschland
Grant number: 01DT21043A
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Project description:
The "European Partnership for the Assessment of Risks from Chemicals" (PARC) will promote the European cooperation, advance research and expand knowledge in the field of chemical risk assessment and provide the relevant expertise. The results of PARC will help to develop national and European strategies to reduce health and environmental risks of hazardous chemical substances. They will also help to reduce animal testing and to introduce next generation risk assessment strategies.
PARC intends the setup of national expert panels, so-called National Hubs (NHs), to extend the expertise on national levels as a base for the scientific discussion and distribution of PARC results in the research community. Thus, the NH is a long-term national network for the exchange of PARC relevant information, knowledge and approved methods. The NH is composed of decision makers, risk assessors, stakeholders and research community members, who either participate in PARC themselves or are appointed to the NH as external experts. Results from PARC are discussed with NH members and feedback is provided to PARC. To this end, the BfR will firstly coordinate the scientific discussions of the focal area of “Human Tox” with the relevant institutions within the framework of a thematic sub-hub and then jointly discuss it at NH meetings. This scientific dialogue provides PARC with additional input and support and ensures that synergies and cooperation with other initiatives at national or EU level are leveraged. In addition, the NH plays a crucial role in identifying potential new partners and expertise from whose participation and inclusion the partnership can benefit. At EU level, the NHs in PARC will help to ensure meaningful collaboration in the field of risk assessment and management with and between member states.
PARC informs both the expert and interested public about its actual affairs by appropriate communication tools.
The German Federal institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) and the German Environment Agency (UBA) will coordinate and manage the German National Hub jointly and thus build up the German National Hub Contact Point (NHCP) together.
Project partners
- Umweltbundesamt (UBA) - Deutschland