Frequently asked questions on ergot alkaloids in cereal products

BfR FAQ, 12 November 2013

Ergot alkaloids are metabolites of certain fungi, for example Claviceps purpurea. Depending on the dose, these alkaloids can cause moderate to serious health problems. Studies conducted in Germany and the European Union have shown that rye products in particular but also cereal products made from other types of cereals can contain high amounts of ergot alkaloids: Depending on the cultivation and climate conditions of a given harvest year, the cereal can be infested to an increasing degree with the permanent form of the fungus, i.e. the dark solid-walled sclerotia (secale cornutum). Under inappropriate situations, this can lead to increase levels of ergot alkaloids in cereal products. The BfR has compiled questions and answers on the health risk of ergot alkaloids in cereal products.

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