MicRisk2030 A novel path for microbial risk assessment towards sustainable food systems: employing AI-based risk management concepts from Stochastic Finance (MicRisk2030)
Funding programme / funding institution: Schweizer National Fonds (SNF)
Grant number: CRSII5_209253/1
Project homepage: -
Project description:
The project objective is to leverage AI-assisted dynamic risk management concepts from Stochastic Finance to initiate disruptive transformation of the currently used classical (and often static) microbial risk analysis framework to meet the challenges of future food systems as part of a circular economy. Using the B. cereus group as a model, the project will develop dynamic data-driven risk assessment and management concepts and an overarching risk analysis scheme enabling food business operators, policy makers and risk managers to jointly promote the SDGs by minimizing food waste while protecting human health, biodiversity, and ecosystems.
To achieve this overarching goal, the project defines the following subgoals:
- Transferring risk management concepts from Stochastic Finance to the microbial risk analysis context and harnessing existing data, models and concepts for microbial risk assessment and management
- Generating new data on B. cereus group hazard characterization and hazard exposure that can feed into AIbased risk assessment and management concepts
- Development of AI-assisted risk assessment and management concepts by building upon established tools from game theory and decision making and implementation in a food production facility
- Proposing an overarching microbial risk assessment and management scheme for multi-criteria decision support that integrates the novel AI-assisted concepts in a modular design
- Engaging stakeholders and assuring sustainable effects of the project by involvement of a sounding board of stakeholders, establishment of an interoperable database, and creation of training materials
Project partners
- Department für Mathematik Zürich - Schweiz (Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich)
- Institut für Mikrobiologie Manno - Schweiz (Fachhochschule der italienischen Schweiz)
- Institut für Lebensmittelsicherheit und -hygiene (ILS) Zürich - Schweiz (Universität Zürich)
- Institut für Mikrobiologie, Department für Pathobiologie (Uni Wien) Wien - Deutschland (Veterinärmedizinische Universität Wien)