Maintaining the processing factor database and preparing for its migration to IUCLID
Funding programme / funding institution: Europäische Behörde für Lebensmittelsicherheit (EFSA)
Grant number: SA15, IDATA Unit, GP/EFSA/AMU/2020/02
Project description:
The project encompasses a couple of tasks preparing for the migration of the EU database of processing factors (PF) for pesticide residues to the IUCLID environment. Furthermore, the existing EU database will be extended with additional processing studies.
Task 1: Testing of OHT (OECD Harmonized Template) 85-9 and its summary template in IUCLID BETA instance in the context of the User Acceptance Testing of the IUCLID April 2024 release.
Task 2/3: As a pilot case and feasibility report, a number of lines of the existing PF database in xls-Format will be manually entered into IUCLID formats. The necessary documents OHT 85-9 (processing trials), OHT 87 (analytical methods) and OHT 85-10 (storage stability studies) will be created and filled with the data from the database lines. This task prepares for future data transport via OHTs and investigates possibilities of automated import into the PF database. Results from this user experience will be reported. If necessary, further update of OHT 85-9 will be proposed.
Task 4: Based on the experience gained under tasks 1-3, mappings between the fields of the existing xlsx-database and IUCLID fields will be developed. The mapping will be done in two directions: Mapping 1 defines how the fields in the existing xlsx file of the processing database are directed to the IUCLID fields. Mapping 2 defines how the IUCLID fields are directed to the xlsx spreadsheet format used for dissemination of processing factor data.
Task 5: The content of the EU database of processing factors will be updated for the third time. An inventory of additional processing studies is prepared. It contains studies, that were assessed by EFSA in the European framework and reported in an EFSA conclusion/opinion published between 31/08/2023 and 31/12/2024. Furthermore, processing studies will be included, which have become available available to BfR during the same time period from national/zonal registrations or other sources.
All processing studies will be (re-)evaluated in accordance with the agreed set of quality criteria. The database update includes an update of the following documents:
− EU Database of Processing Factors for Pesticide Residues (xlsx file)
− Background Document on the EU Database of Processing Factors for Pesticide Residues (pdf file)
− Compendium of Representative Processing Techniques Investigated in Regulatory studies for Pesticides (pdf file)
− Linking processed foods and processing techniques to the FoodEx2 coding System (xlsx file)