Introducing the KiESEL study team
The study team is made up of scientists from the German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment.
Study director:
- Dr. Oliver Lindtner
Head of the "Dietary Exposure and Aggregated Exposure" unit, BfR - Dipl. oec.troph. Nicole Nowak (MPH)
"Dietary Exposure and Aggregated Exposure" unit, BfR - Prof. Dr. Matthias Greiner
Head of the "Exposure" department, BfR
The study coordination and the study staff consist of a team of nutritional scientists from the BfR's "Dietary Exposure and Aggregated Exposure" unit.
Current study staff:
- Dipl. troph.. Friederike Diouf
- BSc (oec. troph.) Anna Holy
- MSc (oec. troph.) Tobias Höpfner
- BSc (clin.nutr.) Melanie Wollenberg
During the study, many staff supported the KiESEL study and worked with great commitment to ensure that it was carried out successfully. Many thanks to:
Katharina Appel, Julia Geerlings, Nadine Golsong, Sabrina Hausdörfer, Gerhard Heinemeyer, Christian Jung, Carina Lähnwitz, Cindy Mandelkow, MEAL study team, MEAL kitchen team, Sigrun Pape, Marko Ross, Karin Römer, Thomas Rüdiger, Antje Schwedter, Claudia Skerra, Nadine Töle und Katrin Uhlig.