Events Archive 2012
08.02.2012 to 09.02.2012BfR-Conference on Nanosilver
31.05.2012BfR-Science Slam - Science explained intelligibly
04.06.2012 to 05.06.201212th BfR Consumer Protection Forum: "Improving the Hygiene of Foodstuffs through Decontamination? - Current Situation and Perspectives"
14.06.2012 to 15.06.201213th BfR Consumer Protection Forum "Checks in the Food Chain. Verify Better - Evaluate Better"
11.08.2012Doors Open Day
13.08.2012 to 24.08.2012BfR Summer School: Risk Assessment and Risk Communication
13.09.2012 to 14.09.2012BfR Symposium "Acting in Times of Crisis and Crisis Prevention" in cooperation with ANSES (France) and National Food Institute, Technical University of Denmark
10.10.2012 to 11.10.201214th BfR Consumer Protection Forum "Food Supplements"
29.10.2012 to 30.10.2012International workshop on the HET-CAM assay
20.11.2012 to 21.11.2012European Stakeholder Conference "How Independent can Science be?" including celebration to mark the 10th Anniversary of the BfR and the official opening of the exhibition "The History of Consumer Health Protection"