Data collection and analysis of alternatives for skin-sensitising substances in consumer mixtures on the EU market (Alternatives on skin sensitiser in mixtures)
Funding programme / funding institution: Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz, Bau und Reaktorsicherheit (BMU) - Deutschland
Grant number: UM 22 65 0010
Project homepage: -
Project description:
A REACH restriction proposal for skin-sensitising substances in consumer mixtures will be generated under the leadership of German authorities. This is intended to strengthen protection for consumers. Currently, 20% of the population has a contact allergy and 7% of the population suffers from allergic contact dermatitis every year (data according to a report by the Information Association of Dermatological Clinics from 2020).
For the necessary socio-economic assessments in the restriction dossier, calculations/estimates are required both of the social costs of replacing the hazardous substances and of the treatment and follow-up costs caused by the contact allergy.
In the context of subsequent public consultations, both industry stakeholders and consumer protection organisations have the opportunity to comment on the research results and the assessment based on them.