BfR Commission for Pesticides and Biocidal Products*

The Commission supports the BfR in its task of assessing health risks posed by plant protection products to consumers, users and bystanders and by biocidal products to non-professional users, the general public and domestic animals.

Tasks of the commission

The commission advises the BfR on scientific and methodological matters relating to toxicology, residue behaviour and residue analysis of active substances, including their metabolites and degradation products, as well as the application and consumer exposure of pesticides and biocidal products. The recommendations are advisory only. The Commission is not involved in the regulatory risk assessment procedures for plant protection products and biocidal products assigned to BfR by law.

Members of the commission

Scientists from universities, regional Land and federal authorities and industry who are experts in the fields of plant protection, biocides, toxicology, analytics, residue behaviour, and exposure were appointed as members of the commission.

* Up to 2017: BfR Commission for Pesticides and their Residues

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