
BfR has the statutory task of undertaking scientific research that is closely linked to its activities. It conducts research oriented towards application objectives and carries out scientific studies that are necessary for the execution of its statutory tasks. In this way BfR safeguards and promotes the scientific expertise behind its internationally recognised competences and know-how in the field of risk assessment, which is independent of economic interests. In its scientific assessment and research work the Institute is independent.

Main areas of research

BfR’s research activities focus on the main areas stipulated by the legislator:

  • Assessment of food and feed with regard to microbiological and chemical substance safety
  • Safety of substances (chemicals), safety of pesticides and biocides
  • Safety of consumer products (cosmetics, tobacco products, textiles, consumer items and food packaging)
  • Development, assessment and validation of alternatives to animal experiments
  • Risk communication


Besides its own research activities, BfR nurtures close contacts on the national and international levels through joint research projects and the exchange of scientific experience. Co-operation takes the form of institutional co-operation or joint research projects. The scientists at the BfR make an active contribution to the work of many bodies, but the institutional exchange of experts is also becoming increasingly important.


In the performance of its wide-ranging tasks and activities, the German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) maintains close contacts with various governmental and non-governmental organisations. In line with the tasks assigned to it by law,...

Opinion 1

Press releases 23

BfR reports to the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL)

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